Saturday, January 22, 2011

Little Girl

Born in the harsh bright lights of a hospital room the first thing she heard was her mothers yelling voice

whisked away to routine and strangers she opened her eyes

a new place

a few days later while her diaper was being changed

again she heard the mother voice

high pitched and needy

hands once again rescued her

a pattern emerged

life was a puzzle

figuring out the fickle needs of the mother voice and adapting to it

going to stay with other mother types on weekends

Becoming adroit at being strong

while wanting/craving a chance to be a little girl

curling up on your bed at night listening to alcohol fueled rants and knowing that your absolute job is to mother your mother

not knowing that tears drip for you in heaven.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I love words

words are the beginning and the end

of my very being

words have saved me when nothing else could

they tingle on my tongue

sizzle deep within my soul

sliding slowly into my brain

they exault my thoughts

they gently

softly affect my world

they change me in a moment

and inspire me for a lifetime

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


A home is security

Its love

Its smell, its taste and feel

It involves your every sense

yet makes no sense at all

A soft bed after a long day

A song pulling memories from your heart of times passed,

mind pictures flowing thick and fast

Mashed potatoes with lumps

and gravy too!

Brothers and sisters beating each other up,

boring family dinners that will not matter - till you’re grown

Aunt Ethel’s scratchy kiss

Undle Albert’s false teeth

New babies with their funny smell of fresh and new'

backpacks homework and that best football game

Old doilies and new Tupperware

overdue library books...

and puppies.

Funerals with sad relatives

old pictures of people they say are related to you

bubble baths and vitamins

eat your vegetables

clean your plate

and heres a cookie!

Sneaking to read under the covers at night

Grandmas coming, cinnamon rolls baking

a smell to wake up to

Shaking rugs, dusting and clean your room!

chores done in a hurry....

Baseball in the yard with your brother and friends

First day of school

new clothes and old teachers

bad food

good report cards

First date

First car

First love

Broken hearts

Graduation, wedding veils, more faces around the table

Someone once said that you can’t go home again

They obviously didn’t know about the power of a song

smell of chicken frying or the sound of children playing

Home is inside of us

we carry it wherever we go
